The RTL8762AG/RTL8762AR/RTL8762AJ/RTL8762AK (hereafter referred to as the RTL8762A) are ultra-low-power system on-chip solutions for Bluetooth low energy applications that combines the excellent performance of a leading RF transceiver with a low-power ARM®Cortex™-M0, 256KB eFlash, 80KB RAM, and rich powerful supporting features and peripherals.
The embedded ARM®Cortex™-M0 32-bit CPU features a 16-bit instruction set with 32-bit extensions (Thumb-2® technology) that delivers high-density code with a small memory footprint. By using a single-cycle 32-bit multiplier, a 3-stage pipeline, and a Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC), the ARM®Cortex™-M0 CPU makes program execution simple and highly efficient.
In the RTL8762A, we support the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) interface provided as part of the Debug Access Port (DAP), in conjunction with the Basic Branch Buffer (BBB). This offers a flexible and powerful mechanism for non-intrusive program code debugging. Users can easily add breakpoints in the code and perform single-step debugging.
The RTL8762A memory architecture includes 80KB of data RAM that can be divided into three portions, e.g., 16KB for buffer RAM, 24KB for on-RAM, and 40KB for off-RAM. Specifically, the available memory for APPs includes 9KB in on-RAM and 18KB in off-RAM. Each on-RAM and off-RAM can be divided into static and dynamic areas. The area size can be adjusted via eFUSE.
The on-RAM can maintain data when the system is in Deep Low Power State (DLPS) mode (Data in off-RAM is lost when the system enters DLPS mode). The static area refers to the global variables in the program. The dynamic area refers to the direct or indirect call of the OS’s pvPortMalloc allocated space, such as xQueueCreate, xTaskCreate, etc.
The RTL8762A also integrates a sigma-delta ADC, programmable gain amplifier, and microphone bias circuit for voice command application. The RTL8762A embeds IR transceiver, hardware keyscan, and Quad-decoder on a single IC, and is provided in a QFN package.
Package and pin differences between the AG/AR/AJ/AK versions are described in this document where they arise.
Ultra low power consumption with intelligent PMU
Supports Bluetooth 4.2 core specification
Integrated MCU to execute Bluetooth protocol stack
Supports multiple level Low Energy states
Supports LE L2CAP Connection Oriented Channel Support
Supports LE low duty directed advertising
Supports LE data length extension feature
Supports OTA (Over-the-Air) programming mechanism for firmware upgrade
Supports external 32KHz XTAL for low power mode
Generic Applications for GAP Central, Peripheral, Observer and Broadcaster Roles
ARM® Cortex™-M0 (Maximum 53MHz)
256KB embedded flash
Supports AES128/192/256 encrypt/decrypt engine
Bluetooth Transceiver
Fast AGC control to improve receiving dynamic range
Supports Bluetooth Low Energy PHY
Peripheral Interfaces
Flexible General Purpose IOs
RTL8762AR: 15 GPIOs
RTL8762AG: 16 GPIOs
RTL8762AJ: 23 GPIOs
RTL8762AK: 37 GPIOs
Three configurable LED pins
Hardware Keyscan and Quad-decoder
Embedded IR transceiver
Real-Time Counters (RTC)
Supports generic 4-wire SPI master/slave
Supports Low power comparator
Timers x 8
I2C x 2
PWM x 4
UART x 3
Supports 40MHz XTAL
Supports audio ADC for voice command application
RTL8762AR: 32-pin 5x5mm QFN
RTL8762AG: 32-pin 5x5mm QFN
RTL8762AJ : 40-pin 5x5mm QFN
RTL8762AK: 56-pin 7x7mm QFN